
The BHSPA emails announcements bi-weekly to those who subscribe. Our eNews includes announcements, event reminders, and invitations from the school administration and community groups. Publication does not constitute any endorsement by the BHSPA or its members. View the most recently daily announcements here.


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Please check your Spam and Junk Mail folders. Add us to your SafeSenders list or create a Rule to move our messages to your Inbox. Tried all that, and still not seeing our messages?  Contact us at BHSBucsParents@gmail.com and we’ll try to help.


To add an announcement to the eNews

Send it to BHSBucsParents@gmail.com.  The announcement must be related to or of interest to BHS, its students, student groups, and/or parent community. Please no political or religious advocacy. Keep announcements very brief (a couple of sentences only) and please include hyperlinks to your own flyers or webpages. We reserve the right to modify, re-write, limit, restrict, and reject any submitted announcement as our goal is keeping eNews concise and valuable to our BHS parent recipients. Read more about our Editorial Guidelines


To Unsubscribe

To unsubscribe, just go to the bottom of any Daily Announcements email and click on the handy ‘unsubscribe from this list’ link.  

We’ve got a Privacy Policy that you need to read. Warning: may cause drowsiness